July 22, 2008

Stephanie at the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Wacipi

The support shown to Stephanie at the 46th Annual Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Wacipi was phenomenal. Stephanie participated in the Grand Entry last Saturday night and stayed for several hours to chat with folks and watch the scores of dancers perform. She also had the opportunity to say a few words of greeting. The evening was full of touching moments, including Stephanie assisting in the distribution of pink shawls to cancer survivors.

Another great moment happened as I was taking photos durng the formal Grand Entry for the website (check them out at Stephanie's Flickr page). A grandmother sitting next to me encouraged her young grandaughter to meet the woman who's name was on the stickers she was so proudly displaying on her clothes. The little girl took her grandmother's advice literally at that moment and ran out into the middle of the procession to stand by Stephanie and meet her as her grandmother had suggested. While the audience looked on, Stephanie was kept company by her young fan, and eventually by another girl in a traditional dress who saw her friend meeting Stephanie and took advantage of the opportunity as well.

Thanks to all the great support shown to Stephanie at the pow wow. She had a fantastic time and those of us on the campaign are always thrilled to have the chance to tag along and meet such enthusiastic supporters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen Stephanie at other events and am always amazed at the young girls who crowd around her. It's great they have a local role model to admire from near and far!