July 22, 2008

Stephanie at the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Wacipi

The support shown to Stephanie at the 46th Annual Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Wacipi was phenomenal. Stephanie participated in the Grand Entry last Saturday night and stayed for several hours to chat with folks and watch the scores of dancers perform. She also had the opportunity to say a few words of greeting. The evening was full of touching moments, including Stephanie assisting in the distribution of pink shawls to cancer survivors.

Another great moment happened as I was taking photos durng the formal Grand Entry for the website (check them out at Stephanie's Flickr page). A grandmother sitting next to me encouraged her young grandaughter to meet the woman who's name was on the stickers she was so proudly displaying on her clothes. The little girl took her grandmother's advice literally at that moment and ran out into the middle of the procession to stand by Stephanie and meet her as her grandmother had suggested. While the audience looked on, Stephanie was kept company by her young fan, and eventually by another girl in a traditional dress who saw her friend meeting Stephanie and took advantage of the opportunity as well.

Thanks to all the great support shown to Stephanie at the pow wow. She had a fantastic time and those of us on the campaign are always thrilled to have the chance to tag along and meet such enthusiastic supporters!

July 16, 2008

Interns Wanted -

Are you or anyone you know looking for college or high school credit and want experience in this year’s historic election process? Put your energy and support for Stephanie to work! I started out volunteering and interning for campaigns in high school and college and learned incredibly valuable skills and an insiders view of how the political campaign process really works. All three campaign offices are now accepting applications for internships. Hours are flexible and work involves in-depth involvement in the day-to-day operations of a state-wide Congressional campaign. Become part of Stephanie’s team today! We'd be thrilled to have you.

In Sioux Falls, contact me at (605)332-1901
In Rapid City, contact Erin McCarrick at (605)716-3391
In Aberdeen, contact William Anderson at (605)725-2710

Stephanie for South Dakota in the streets of Wall

Not only were the Wall donuts delicious, but the Annual Wall Celebration Parade was a really fun time. We brought the pick-up to downtown Wall all decked out with Stephanie signs. Thanks to everyone who helped put that parade together and thanks to all our supporters in Wall!

Barn Signs and Yard Signs Going Up!

Yesterday, many barn and yard signs made their way across the state. A few of them were dropped off in Mitchell, Chamberlain, Presho and Wasta. We’ll be putting up more around the hills in the upcoming weeks. Please give the Rapid City office a call at (605)716-3391 if you would like to proudly display a Stephanie for South Dakota barn or yard sign! . Also, call William in Aberdeen to request one in Northeastern South Dakota at (605)725-2712 and Emily in the Southeastern region at (605)332-1901.

July 15, 2008

Stephanie Supporters Rocked the 4th of July Weekend!

For everyone involved, we wanted to thank you for your help and support over the 4th of July weekend. You created a wonderful holiday for Stephanie during her time in the hills. There were many people welcoming Stephanie at the Heritage Festival, visiting with her around the hills, watching her speech at Mt. Rushmore, and walking with her in parades.

At the Heritage Festival, Stephanie visited with many constituents and even a few members of our local music scene. The two Johns (from The Redmen and Common Law Love) were able to spend a few moments talking at the Civic Center Bandshell. Stephanie also visited with the evening’s main entertainment – K.O.D. From there it was straight off to Mt. Rushmore where Stephanie was able to be a part of one of our nation’s greatest fireworks displays. She gave a speech honoring World War I Veteran Frank Buckles. As usual, it proved to be a spectacular event.

All the communities in the Northern Black Hills showed strong support for Stephanie on the 4th, and the organizers of all the parades and events kept the weekend moving smoothly. This was especially impressive at the Belle Fourche parade that had over 250 entries! Stephanie rode in style thanks to the volunteers who drove her through the parades. Ron Pitman took the wheels in Belle, Rosalie Aslesen navigated the Spearfish parade, and Bill Walsh took over in Lead/Deadwood.

Thanks for the support!! Stephanie really enjoyed visiting the Hills once again and thanks to everyone for spending time with her. Let's keep it going until November. If you missed the fun over the weekend, there are plenty more events and ways to get involved. Take a moment on your lunch break or when you’re in Rapid for your errands to stop by the campaign office to say hello.

July 2, 2008

Let the Parades begin!

Stephanie's campaign kicked off the parade season West River in the Festival of Presidents Parade this past Saturday. The Herseth Sandlin shirts were in large numbers as the parade marched through downtown. The Pennington County Democrats brought out the unicycles, Westies, convertibles, cars and marchers to honor our presidents and support
the great candidates.

Parade watchers welcomed Stephanie stickers and candy that we passed out. Despite the wind, all the signs stayed attached to their floats and everyone had a great time.

This next weekend brings many more parades in the hills. Please come join Stephanie as she celebrates Independence Day in parades and visits with West River constituents. The weekend fun starts off at 9:30 in Belle Fourche. Come join us on the corner of 7th Avenue and National Street in downtown Belle. From there we head to Spearfish and then to Deadwood/Lead. These 3 parades make for a really fun day and a unique way to celebrate. Don't miss out. If
you would like to volunteer, call 605-716-3391.

Thanks to all the volunteers so far. Three all-star volunteers helped make the office look spectacular this morning. Come on by and check it out. It can always use more décor and we always appreciate a friendly face, so volunteers...come on down!