July 2, 2008

Let the Parades begin!

Stephanie's campaign kicked off the parade season West River in the Festival of Presidents Parade this past Saturday. The Herseth Sandlin shirts were in large numbers as the parade marched through downtown. The Pennington County Democrats brought out the unicycles, Westies, convertibles, cars and marchers to honor our presidents and support
the great candidates.

Parade watchers welcomed Stephanie stickers and candy that we passed out. Despite the wind, all the signs stayed attached to their floats and everyone had a great time.

This next weekend brings many more parades in the hills. Please come join Stephanie as she celebrates Independence Day in parades and visits with West River constituents. The weekend fun starts off at 9:30 in Belle Fourche. Come join us on the corner of 7th Avenue and National Street in downtown Belle. From there we head to Spearfish and then to Deadwood/Lead. These 3 parades make for a really fun day and a unique way to celebrate. Don't miss out. If
you would like to volunteer, call 605-716-3391.

Thanks to all the volunteers so far. Three all-star volunteers helped make the office look spectacular this morning. Come on by and check it out. It can always use more décor and we always appreciate a friendly face, so volunteers...come on down!

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